Thursday, March 28, 2019

Common Causes of Water Damage in a Home

Water Damage Repair
A lot of people think that water damage restoration services are not necessary – until they come face to face with a serious problem! These include water slowly creeping into your home and water surging from a busted pipe. Often, people only call a water damage restoration service provider when any of these things happen. By then, damage may already be significant.

Following are some of the more common causes of mold and water damage:

Flat Roof – A flat roof is only as good as a sloped roof – until problems start to show. To function well, a flat roof must have a bit of a gradient. Despite their name, flat roofs aren’t supposed to be flat at all. In theory, a flat roof must have a slight convex to allow water to flow off into the gutters.

But, the slight slope can often be undermined by different factors. It can also deteriorate, and can turn into a concave-shaped or completely flat roof. Build-up of branches, leaves, and debris may put pressure on the roof’s weakest point, and cause a slight inward collapse. Water will then pool on the roof and not run off.

The cold weather can create “ice dams.” A normal water puddle on your flat roof would often run off. But, when the puddle’s edges freeze because of the cold weather, it will trap the water.

Gutters – A malfunctioning gutter system can also cause significant water damage. A gutter’s job is to direct water away from the roof, and the building. But, the gutter cannot perform its job well when there are branches, leaves, and other debris clogging it.

When this happens, water will flow over the edge of the gutter. It will run down the building’s side. You can tell if this is happening by checking your wall paint. If there are dirty water marks on the wall, then it may be a sign of a clogged gutter.

If there are cracks or holes in the gutter, water will also leak down the sides of the building even when there is no heavy rainfall. More serious water damage problems can happen if you don’t address the issue right away. For one, it may lead to mold infestation.

Leaking Pipes – A leaking pipe can cause a major water damage without you knowing it. Water can slowly leak under the floor boards or in a loft. The dripping may only be very subtle, and will be almost unnoticeable. But, the constant dampness can lead to black mold and more serious water damage.

Different factors can cause leaking pipes. If your water has the wrong acidity level, it won’t allow film to form inside your copper pipes. They will dissolve easily. Cold temperatures can also cause problems of freezing over. Not turning off your tap or valve properly may also cause corrosion to set in.

These are only a few common causes of water damage in your home. Brownish or yellowish water from your taps, or low water pressure are some possible indications of leaks. To be sure, have a professional check your home.

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